Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Pakistani Girls in shalwar qameez

Healthy Foods for skin

Mensxp - Wednesday 8 June 2011 11:35 AM IST
You cannot just expect to keep your skin healthy and glowing by using expensive lotions, creams, moisturizers or sunscreens, but essentially by eating right.
A host of healthy and natural foods offer potential healing and preventive powers against skin troubles. You can start out by making tiny alterations to your diet and adding these foods to keep your skin healthy & glowing.


Berries like strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and plum have antioxidant properties. These antioxidants prevent skin damage and when skin cells are protected from damage and disintegration, they look youthful and younger for longer. These berries are delicious and easy to find in their seasons and are best to eat with yoghurt, cereals and a great on-the-go snack.

Spinach & Carrots

Carrots & spinach are excellent sources of vitamin A, which is a required nutrient for healthy skin. These vegetables suffer from a bad reputation of being not-so-yummy, but as we all know, mom is always right; you should eat these vegetables for a healthy body and skin. They also contain high levels of Vitamin A, which is required for developing and maintaining skin cells, and a deficiency of which, can cause dry skin. You can have them raw, in salads or cooked with omlettes and other dishes.

Green Tea

This drink contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps reduce inflammation, protect cell membranes and keep bacteria at bay. It has been proven to reduce the damage of sunburns and overexposure to ultraviolet light, which, in turn, reduces the risk of skin cancerGreen tea is also high in polyphenols, compounds that eliminates cancer causing free elements.


Essential fatty acids found in nuts and seeds help to keep the skin soft and supple. Some studies also show that they can prevent severity of condition of skin diseases like rosacea and eczema. Almonds are amazingly healthy and full of Vitamin E which gives the skin that glowy look. Vitamin E also helps in repairing skin tissues and maintaining skin moisture. You can have them raw or mixed with salads and fruits.


Last, but certainly not the least, is water. Good hydration is our skin’s best friend. Water in caffeinated sugary drinks, sodas, colas and juices doesn’t count though. Water intake should be from clean and pure source that rejuvenates the skin. Water both hydrates the skin and moves toxins out and nutrients in. Also, if you are properly hydrated, you sweat more which, in turn, helps keep your skin clean and clear.
By paying special attention to what you are feeding your body, you will see positive results in not only your health and the way you feel, but also the way you look. Beauty truly does come from within. (MensXP.com

beautyfull eyes designs images

Monday, 13 June 2011

Windows XP keyboard shortcuts

General Windows Keystrokes

  • Get HelpF1
  • Open the Start Menu – WINDOWS LOGO KEY or CTRL+ESC
  • Switch between Open ApplicationsALT+TAB
  • Open the Shortcut MenuAPPLICATIONS KEY or SHIFT+F10
  • Minimize all Applications       WINDOWS LOGO KEY+M
  • Find a File or Folder from Desktop F3
  • Move to First Item on the TaskbarWINDOWS LOGO KEY+TAB
  • Open Windows ExplorerWINDOWS LOGO KEY+E
  • Open Run DialogWINDOWS LOGO KEY+R

General Windows Application Keystrokes

  • Exit the Active Application ALT+F4
  • Open the Application Control Menu ALT+SPACEBAR
  • Move to the Menu Bar ALT
  • Move between Menus ALT, ARROW KEYS
  • Choose a Menu Item ENTER
  • Open a child Window Control Menu     ALT+DASH
  • Cancel or close a Menu ESC or ALT

Windows Keystrokes for Working in Dialog Boxes

  • Move through Dialog Controls TAB
  • Move Backward through Dialog Controls SHIFT+TAB
  • Move to Another Page CTRL+TAB
  • Reverse Direction through Pages CTRL+SHIFT+TAB
  • Select/Deselect in List View SPACEBAR or CTRL+SPACEBAR
  • Toggle a Check Box ON/OFF SPACEBAR

Windows Keystrokes for Working with Text

  • Move One Character Left LEFT ARROW
  • Move One Character Right RIGHT ARROW
  • Move One Word Left   CTRL+LEFT ARROW
  • Move One Word Right CTRL+RIGHT ARROW
  • Move to Beginning of Line HOME
  • Move to End of Line END
  • Move One Paragraph Up CTRL+UP ARROW
  • Move One Paragraph Down CTRL+DOWN ARROW
  • Move to Beginning of Document CTRL+HOME
  • Move to End of Document CTRL+END
  • Scroll Up or Down One Screen PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN
  • Select One Character Left SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
  • Select One Character Right SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
  • Select One Word Left  CTRL+SHIFT+LEFF ARROW
  • Select One Word Right CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW 
  • Select to Beginning of Line SHIFT+HOME
  • Select to End of Line SHIFT+END
  • Select to Beginning of Document CTRL+SHIFT+HOME
  • Select to End of Document CTRL+SHIFT+END
  • Select All CTRL+A
  • Undo CTRL+Z
  • Delete Current Character DELETE
  • Delete Prior Character  BACKSPACE

Keystrokes for Working in Windows Explorer

  • Delete Selected File or Folder   DELETE
  • Rename Selected File or Folder F2
  • Refresh Window F5
  • Switch Between Tree View and List View F6 or TAB
  • Go Up One Folder Level BACKSPACE
  • Open File or Folder Properties ALT+ENTER
  • Untruncate Columns in List View CTRL+NUM PAD PLUS 

Keystrokes for Using the Clipboard

  • Copy Selected File or Text to ClipboardCTRL+C
  • Cut Selected File or Text to ClipboardCTRL+X
  • Paste Contents of ClipboardCTRL+V

Eset Nod32 Smart Security Username Passwords Serial Keys for 13 June 2011

Username: EAV-46331862
Password: m4t3j8bfdv
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-46335028
Password: 5jtbvaptc6
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-46335029
Password: fr4fu3p34k
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-46336761
Password: t86kpjk7h3
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-46337581
Password: eeph3aave3
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-46337589
Password: rt6hfd8d2d
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-46337632
Password: sjjkmf7sfk
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-46338434
Password: 38bkha4fv7
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-46338439
Password: be22afdr5b

For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-46338440
Password: 6xrp6jnaep
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-46338484
Password: db6p5fxcxr
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-46331856
Password: 34ud4pcdbd
For versions: ESS / EAV

Labor Ministry outlines details of Nitaqat program


Published: Jun 11, 2011 23:56 Updated: Jun 12, 2011 01:31

DAMMAM: The Labor Ministry announced on Saturday that private companies in the green and premium categories — the companies who are abiding by Saudization rules or who have exceptional track records in this regard — would enjoy a lot of benefits and incentives from Sept. 10 for their efforts in employing more Saudis.

It said companies would be able to know their position by visiting the ministry’s website www.mol.gov.sa.

“We’ll also provide regular information under the name ‘Keys to Success’ that would assist companies to keep themselves in safe positions and help them enjoy the program’s benefits and incentives,” the ministry said. It said companies in the yellow category would be given a grace period of nine months and those in the red category six months to improve their status by hiring more Saudis before facing punitive measures. Yellow companies will not be able to extend their foreign employees’ work visas beyond six years, which takes effect retroactively. Red companies will not be able to renew their foreign workers’ visas.

Meanwhile, the business community reacted with caution to the new regulations.

Those who found their companies in the red zone were apprehensive while those in the green and blue category were exultant.

Khalid A. Al-Abdulkarim, CEO of Alkhobar-based Al-Abdulkarim Holding Co., was delighted because his company was listed in the blue zone which is a VIP category.

“I am very happy but not surprised. We have on our rolls more than 1,500 employees, and we started implementing Saudization a long time ago,” he told Arab News. “Today, we are being paid for those efforts.”

The Nitaqat program, he said, is excellent. “So far so good. But there will definitely be glitches. There will be companies which may have not been listed correctly for want of complete paperwork. Nothing is going to happen immediately. This is just a report card,” he said. “The companies will have enough time to correct their positions.”

Sultan Al-Shamsi, a construction company manager, was upset. “I see that my company is in the red zone. I have been getting constant calls from my employees who have seen their status by punching in their iqama number in the Ministry of Labor’s website. I refused to answer their calls and will see how we can employ more Saudis to get out of this difficult situation we now find ourselves in,” he told Arab News.

According to Al-Abdulkarim, those in the VIP category or blue zone will be entitled to a number of benefits. “We have been told that since we are in the blue zone, we can hire anybody from any part of the world. We don't even have to wait to go to the Labor Office to apply for visas. We can just log onto the website and get the visas in a second. We have been exempted from what business community calls the monkey business to get visas. So there are incentives for those who met the Saudization targets.”

He said there was no blanket percentage for determining the color zoning. “In companies that are labor intensive such as the construction companies the percentage of Saudis was fixed at mere 10 percent. So for example, if a construction company does not have 10 percent Saudis on its rolls then it will find itself in the red category. Similarly, in banks, the Saudi percentage was put at 70 percent. So the ministry has taken into consideration where Saudization is possible and where it is difficult. Earlier it was being thought that there would a universal scale for all companies. That is not the case.”

Companies in the premium category will be able to recruit foreign workers unless they fall below the green level and do not apply for such visas more than once every two months.

This facility will be available in Riyadh from June 18 and in other offices after June 25.

They will also get new visas with open professions through the electronic system, based on the number of visas they used to get before. They can also change professions of their workers even to those that are restricted to Saudis, except jobs such as employment officials, receptionists, government liaison officials, treasury staff, and security officers.

Premier companies will also be allowed transfer of visas and change of profession of their foreign workers, but the service would be available only once every two months. They can get the transfer of visas of employees from other companies, without fulfilling the condition of completing two years with the first employee. They are also entitled to get a one-year respite if their municipal and professional licenses or commercial registrations were expired. Such companies can recruit employees in Red category and transfer their visas without the permission of their employers.

In a previous statement, the ministry had allayed fears of expatriate workers in the Kingdom and said the new Nitaqat program was not aimed at driving them out of the Kingdom.

“The Nitaqat is not designed nor intended to threaten the stability of guest workers in the Kingdom,” the statement emphasized, adding that the robust demand for foreign labor is not going away in the foreseeable future. “The Ministry of Labor recognizes the role played — and continues to be played — by guest workers in the development of the country and appreciates their efforts in all fields and specialties,” the statement added.

With regard to the benefits to be availed of by the companies in the green category, the ministry said they can apply for new visas once every two months and are entitled to one visa for every two expatriates gone on exit-only visas. They can change professions of their foreign workers except to those restricted to Saudis. They will also be given six-month grace period after the expiry of their zakat and revenue certificates. They will be allowed to renew the work permits of their workers but their iqamas should have a validity of at least three months at the time of renewal. They will be allowed to recruit employees in red and yellow categories and transfer their visas without the approval of their employers.

Companies in the yellow category cannot apply for new visas from Sept. 10 and will be allowed to get only one visa after the departure of two expatriates and will be prevented from transfer of visas and change of professions. However, they will be allowed to renew the work permits of their workers, on condition that their workers should not have completed more than six years in the Kingdom. They will not have any control on their workers as they would be allowed to move to companies in higher categories.

Companies in the red category will be banned from change of profession, transfer of visas, issuance of new visas and opening files for new branches. However, they will be allowed to renew the work permits of their workers until Muharram 1, 1433 when they will also lose control on their workers.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

ESET Smart Security, Nod32 Antivirus Username Password, Serial Keys for 11 June 2011

Username: EAV-46160522
Password: cs4u6ukbrb
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-46160976
Password: tfxtkjvukf
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-46161464
Password: 7efnu773ve
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-46161466
Password: vsv2tr7ecb
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-46161468
Password: fm54ndhc5k
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-46161471
Password: hsunca6jft
For versions: ESS / EAV

5 Steps To Prevent Your Usb From Virus

You have a USB and I’m sure that you had problem with it more than 1 time. The main reason is because of virus. And you will use antivirus software to delete these damn viruses, or might format it. But it is said that ‘Prevention is better than cure.’
I’ll show you some simples step to prevent your beloved USB from virus tongue.gif

So how can you know that your USB is infected? When you right click your USB, you will see “Autoplay” in Bold in the first line. It means that your USB has been infected with virus, 90% possibility! Because the first line should be Open or Expore instead of Autoplay Virus can be communicated to USB because it copies itself to USB and creat a file autorun.inf to activate virus itself. And it is so smart to be in hidden form.
When you insert a USB to your computer, it takes advantage of your habit of double-click on USB symbol in My Computer to break into your computer. There, it duplicates and disperses to everywhere. Their next patients are other USB inserting to the computer.

You may follow these 5 steps to make a shell for your USB:

Step 1: Check your USB’s name. For ex, your USB drive is E: and label is THANHNGOC

Step 2:
Convert file system of USB into NTFS: Start > Run, type: “convert : /FS:NTFS”. For ex, with your USB in drive E, you type: “convert E: /FS:NTFS”. Note: if your USB has function of MP3 and sound record, you should skip this step, because your multimedia player can not run MP3 files in your USB.

Step 3: Create an autorun.inf with whatever content you want; even let it empty is okay. Copy that autorun file to your USB. (You may create file autorun.inf by: Click Tools on menu > > Folder Option> Ch?n View > Remove Tick in square Hide Extentions for known file types> OK. Then make a new folder and name its autorun.inf. After that, you have to come back to select Hide Extentions for known file types. Otherwise, all file names are so frustrated.)

Step 4: Right-click on the autorun file > Property > Tick Read Only, you may choose Hidden

Step 5: Prevented all access to file autorun.inf: Click Start > Run > type: “cacls \autorun.inf /D Everyone”. For ex, you type “cacls E:\autorun.inf /D Everyone” A black window will appear and it may require you to type USB label. Type its name (I type THANHNGOC) and Enter. It takes about 5 seconds to complete.

I do not say that you may prevent your USB from all viruses, but this way partly help your USB be safe to most virus infecting via USB. The last
recommend is to install a reliable antivirus software with automatic update.